say it with chocolate,
the language of love... something special,
declare it with dove

  • adapted student concept
  • packaging


Love letters and delectable chocolate bars have always been mediums for conveying sentiment to significant others, though the pervasiveness of such traditions have genericized edible gifts and made love letters burdensome. My Dove is a subsidiary brand of Mars’ Dove chocolates that optimizes the romantic ritual, evoking a simpler, bygone era of passionate emotional expression that prioritizes human connections over hackneyed practices.


My Dove’s premium envelope chocolates associate timeworn images of carrier pigeons and hand-written postage with the act of delivering romantic gifts. Each package is sealed with wax and initiates contact with a recipient by addressing them by its eponymous term of endearment, continuing the dialog with select excerpts from timeless love poems and songs imprinted upon its interior. This earnest experience accommodates the compositional challenge of crafting a love letter and cannot be simply replicated with a generic substitution.
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