transmuting a
miracle food

  • brand identity
  • publication


A fast-food venue promoting the gourmet potential of instant-noodles, Instant Kitchen deflects the assumption that such foods are just unhealthier makeshift substitutions for genuine cuisine. Operating out of a modest, straightforward location, the business aims to proliferate its ideology by means of a cookbook that instructs how to craft its dishes with products from existing brands.


Instant Kitchen invigorates hunder for processed foods with the notion that the chemical cooking processes of instant products reflect alchemical aspirations of a bygone time. Runic inscriptions draw from oriental and occidental sources alike, forming a cohesive aesthetic that affirms this cross-cultural delight for all. The cookbook and menu attribute together an atmosphere of mysticality to the act of concocting a delicious meal quickly and with cheap ingredients, a miracle of engineering that past generations could only dream of.
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